Think it, Feel it, Have it!

Think it, Feel it, Have it!
Think it, Feel it, Have it!
The Universe hears what you are thinking, but it is responding to what you are feeling about what your thinking.
If you already know about the Law of Attraction, then you know how vital it is to fully understand it so it works in your favor. If you’re new to the Law of Attraction, you’ll be so glad you found out about it so you can attract what you want, feel happier, and ultimately live your life how you want it to be. Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.
Working with me as your life coach, you’ll get the tools you need to have a wonderful relationship with yourself, friends, and your spouse or partner. If you’re wanting to attract a spouse, I’ll give you the tools and mindset necessary to make that happen! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.
It’s imperative in life to go through each day with a positive mindset. With coaching, you’ll get the tools, processes and ideas that will help you do that. Life is so much better when you go through each day in a positive way. Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.
Stress is a fact of life, however, once you know what to do so you live a less stressful life, wow, what an improvement! I’ll give you the tools necessary to help you accomplish that. You’ll love the difference! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.
With Law of Attraction coaching, you’ll get a full understanding of how to attract more money, and either a better career, or an improved experience where you are. It’s wonderful when unexpected checks come and business is thriving! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary mini phone coaching session and I’ll tell you more.
Mr. Hendrickson is a man who since childhood has not only had questions about the human condition but, being unsatisfied with only asking questions, ir-repressively sought answers to them. His search for a deeper understanding of the human mind, spirit, and soul, and of our collective human consciousness, has led him to many corners of the world, including India and Tibet, where he hiked the foothills of the Himalayas with exiled Tibetan monks. He has sought after and communicated with the greatest Spiritual leaders of our time.
He understood, however, that answers would come not only from the world’s great spiritual leaders but…
Everything that everyone is doing, they are doing because they believe they will feel good when they get what they are after. It occurs as a someday but not now, phenomenon. However, the way the Law of Creation works is you must find a way to feel good first and then you get what you are after.
Looking for the universe to do everything for you without putting in the effort.
Unwilling to take responsibility for your own growth and well-being.
Expecting quick fixes with minimal dedication to the process.
Unwilling to take responsibility for your own growth and well-being.
“You have shown me how to transform hopelessness into certainty and confidence. Where once there was fear, solitary, and anger; there is now peace and clarity. You showed me how to love myself and everyone all together.”
“I was miserable. I didnt believe in myself